George Woodbury 2/27/2023

Hand Eczema or Hand Dermatitis is one of the more common skin problems faced by a Memphis Dermatologist like myself, referring to dry, often itchy or burning, red rough or blistered rashes on the hands and wrists. The cause can range from a type of Contact Dermatitis to a genetic condition – Atopic Dermatitis – to a broad collections of Eczema conditions or Atopic Dermatitis conditions.

Up to 40% of people with hand eczema are allergic to a preservative, fragrance, dye, or component of latex – and sometimes a type of Allergy Testing offered by Dermatologists like me – called Allergy Patch Testing– can help to uncover the culprit chemical. I am a member of the American Contact Dermatitis Society, an 1100-member organization of Dermatologists who offer this type of skin allergy testing.

Who’s at risk of Hand Eczema? High risk individuals are those who wash their hands frequently: young parents doing loads of laundry or bathing infants, people in occupations with frequent handwashing – such as nurses and surgeons, chefs and bakers, electricians and plumbers – and people with a family history of Asthma, Hay Fever, and/or Food Allergies.

Most Dermatologists treat this painful, dry, or itchy condition of Hand Eczema either with a prescription steroid cream or ointment – such as Clobetasol, Halobetasol, or Triamcinolone – or else a one of the promising newew steroid-free creams, tablets, or injections: Eucrisa® Ointment (crisaborole), Opzelura® Cream (Ruxolitinib), Dupixent® injections, Rinvoq® Tablets (Upadacitinib Tablets), or Cibinqo® Tablets (Abrocitinib Tablets).
There is a special type of Hand Eczema called Pompholyx, which manifests as blisters on the fingers and/or feet, often arising suddenly. Pompholyx can be disabling, because many people rely upon their hands to work! It often requires either steroid shots or systemic steroids like prednisone to help to bring it under control.

So if you or a family member is suffering from itching, dryness, or rough areas of the hands (or feet), consider seeing a Dermatologist. My own Dermatology practice since 1993 has been with Rheumatology and Dermatology Associates, 8143 Walnut Grove Road, Cordova TN 38018 (; 1-901-753-0168). There are over 14,000 Dermatologists in the United States, and you could find one close to you by going to the American Academy of Dermatology’s website,, then plugging your zip code into the “Find a Dermatologist” tab.

In 2016, I became the President of a company called Big River Silk Skincare Inc. ( We manufacture and distribute steroid-free moisturizer creams –GlycoShea Hand&Body Cream/Standard Strength, and GlycoShea Hand&Body Cream/High Strength – as well as our newest moisturizers – GlycoShea Hand&Body Lotion/Standard Strength, GlycoShea Hand&Body Lotion/High Strength, GlycoShea Hand&Body Oil/Standard Strength and GlycoShea Hand&Body Oil/High Strength.

The GlycoShea moisturizers both reduce dryness and roughness on the hands (and feet), and also remove rough areas of the skin because of their Glycolic Acid ingredient, an organic and natural chemical originally discovered in sugarcane. They can make a best hand cream. (1 oz of GlycoShea Hand&Body Products/Standard Strength: $19.95/2 oz: $29.95; 8 oz: $89.95; 1 oz of GlycoShea Hand&Body Products/High Strength: $29.95/2 oz; $44.95/8 oz: $134.95).

The products of Big River Silk Skincare – including our best face cream – GlycoShea Facial&Neck Cream - can be purchased on site at 8143 Walnut Grove Road, Cordova TN 38018 – Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM – or on the web: USPS shipping and handling for U.S. orders is $5.00 for orders under $40.00, otherwise complimentary shipping and handling ($10.00 for Canadian orders under $75.00; otherwise complimentary). 1-901-753-0168.

The moral of the story is “never itch in silence:” there is much new therapy to help with the itching and dryness of hand eczema. Consider getting evaluated by a Board-certified Dermatologist today.

George Woodbury Jr. M.D. , Dermatologist with Rheumatology and Dermatology Associates PC, 8143 Walnut Grove Road, Cordova TN 38018. 1-901-753-0168 02/27/2023